A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify,
clarify, and organize system requirements. The use case is made up of a
set of possible sequences of interactions between systems and users in a
particular environment and related to a particular goal. It consists of
a group of elements (for example, classes and interfaces) that can be
used together in a way that will have an effect larger than the sum of
the separate elements combined. The use case should contain all system
activities that have significance to the users. A use case can be
thought of as a collection of possible scenarios related to a particular
goal, indeed, the use case and goal are sometimes considered to be
use case defines the interactions between external actors and the
system under consideration to accomplish a goal. Actors must be able to
make decisions, but need not be human: "An actor might be a person, a
company or organization, a computer program, or a computer system —
hardware, software, or both."Actors are always stakeholders, but many
stakeholders are not actors, since they "never interact directly with
the system, even though they have the right to care how the system
behaves." For example, "the owners of the system, the company's board of
directors, and regulatory bodies such as the Internal Revenue Service
and the Department of Insurance" could all be stakeholders but are
unlikely to be actors. Actors are often working on behalf of someone
All actors must have names according to the assumed role. Examples of actor names (user roles):
- Customer
- Web Client
- Student
- Passenger
- Payment System
UML notation for actor is "stick man" icon with the name of the actor
above or below of the icon. Actor names should follow the capitalization
and punctuation guidelines for classes. The names of abstract actors
should be shown in italics.
actor may also be shown as a class rectangle with the standard keyword
«actor», having usual notation for class compartments, if needed.
Relationships Between Actors
We can define abstract or concrete actors and specialize them using generalization relationship.
Generalization between actors is rendered as a solid directed line with a large arrowhead (same as for generalization between classes).
Generalization between actors is rendered as a solid directed line with a large arrowhead (same as for generalization between classes).
Associations Between Actors and Use Cases
use case specifies a unit of useful functionality that the subject
provides to actors. This functionality should be initiated by an actor.
Actors may be connected to use cases only by binary association
An association between an actor and a use case indicates that the actor and the use case communicate with each other.
An actor could be associated to one or several use cases.
An association between an actor and a use case indicates that the actor and the use case communicate with each other.
An actor could be associated to one or several use cases.
an actor has an association to a use case with a multiplicity that is
greater than one at the use case end, it means that a given actor can be
involved in multiple use cases of that type. The specific nature of
this multiple involvement depends on the case on hand and is not defined
in the UML 2.4 specification.
Thus, use case multiplicity could mean that an actor initiates multiple use cases:
- in parallel (concurrently), or
- at different points in time, or
- mutually exclusive in time.
a use case has an association to an actor with a multiplicity that is
greater than one at the actor end, it means that more than one actor
instance is involved in initiating the use case. The manner in which
multiple actors participate in the use case depends on the specific
situation on hand and is not defined in the UML 2.4 specification.
For instance, actor's multiplicity could mean that:
- a particular use case might require simultaneous (concurrent) action by two separate actors (e.g., in launching a nuclear missile), or
- it might require complementary and successive actions by the actors (e.g., one actor starting something and the other one stopping it).
cases have no standard keywords or stereotypes. Use case could be shown
with a custom stereotype above the name. As a classifier, use case has
properties. A list of use case properties - operations and attributes -
could be shown in a compartment within the use case oval below the use
case name.
Use case with extension points may be listed in a compartment of the use case with the heading extension points.
use case can also be shown using the standard rectangle notation for
classifiers with an ellipse icon in the upper right-hand corner of the
rectangle and with optional separate list compartments for its features.
detailed behavior of a use case can be described by any means and
techniques intended to define behaviors, in a separate diagram or
textual document such as
- interactions,
- activities,
- state machines,
- pre- and post-conditions
- natural language text
Abstract Use Case
2.4 does not mention, define or explain abstract use cases. UML 1.x
specification mentioned that "the name of an abstract use case may be
shown in italics" but since UML 2.0 this sentence was removed from UML
specifications without any explanations. One reason that the sentence
was removed could be that because use case is a classifier, and any
classifier could be abstract (with the name shown in italics), it is
obvious that it should be applicable to the use cases as well. An
abstract use case is intended to be used by other use cases, e.g., as a
target of generalization relationship.
Bank ATM Transaction use case becomes abstract use case
as a result of including Customer Authentication use case.
as a result of including Customer Authentication use case.
Relationships Between Use Cases
Use cases could be organized using following relationships:
- generalization
- association
- extend
- include
Extend Relationship
is a directed relationship that specifies how and when the behavior
defined in usually supplementary (optional) extending use case can be
inserted into the behavior defined in the extended use case.
use case is meaningful on its own, it is independent of the extending
use case. Extending use case typically defines optional behavior that is
not necessarily meaningful by itself. The extend relationship is owned
by the extending use case. The same extending use case can extend more
than one use case, and extending use case may itself be extended.
The extension takes place at one or more extension points defined in the extended use case.
relationship is shown as a dashed line with an open arrowhead directed
from the extending use case to the extended (base) use case. The arrow
is labeled with the keyword «extend».
Registration use case is meaningful on its own.
It could be extended with optional Get Help On Registration use case
condition of the extend relationship as well as the references to the
extension points are optionally shown in a comment note attached to the
corresponding extend relationship.
Registration use case is conditionally extended by Get Help On Registration
use case in extension point Registration Help
use case in extension point Registration Help
Extension Point
extension point is a feature of a use case which identifies
(references) a point in the behavior of the use case where that behavior
can be extended by some other (extending) use case, as specified by
extend relationship.
Extension points may be shown in a
compartment of the use case oval symbol under the heading extension
points. Each extension point must have a name, unique within a use case.
Extension points are shown as a text string according to the syntax:
extension point ::= name [: explanation ]
optional explanation is some description usually given as informal
text. It could be in other forms, such as the name of a state in a state
machine, an activity in an activity diagram, some precondition or
Registration use case with extension points
Registration Help and User Agreement
Registration Help and User Agreement
Extension points may be shown in a compartment of the use case rectangle with ellipse icon under the heading extension points.

Extension points of the Registration use case,
shown using the rectangle notation
shown using the rectangle notation
Include Relationship
include relationship is a directed relationship between two use cases
when required, not optional behavior of the included use case is
inserted into the behavior of the including (base) use case. Including
use case depends on the addition of the included use case.
use cases are usually not complete by themselves and require the
included use cases. For whatever reasons, UML 2.4 does not refer to
those as abstract use cases which seems very appropriate. Many other
sources define abstract use case as including use case, while in fact it
has to be expressed the other way around: including use case is
abstract use case. See discussion of the definition of abstract use
The include relationship could be used:
- when there are common parts of the behavior of two or more use cases,
- to simplify large use case by splitting it into several use cases.
use cases are required, not optional for the inclusion. Execution of
the included use case is analogous to a subroutine call or macro command
in programming. All of the behavior of the included use case is
executed at a single location in the including use case before execution
of the including use case is resumed.
Note, while UML 2.4 defines
extension points for the extend relationship, there are no "inclusion
points" to specify location or condition of inclusion for the include.
relationship between use cases is shown by a dashed arrow with an open
arrowhead from the including (base) use case to the included (common
part) use case. The arrow is labeled with the keyword «include».
two or more use cases have some common behavior, this common part could
be extracted into a separate use case to be included back by the use
cases with include.
Use Case Relationships Compared
the Unified Modeling Language, the relationships between all (or a set
of) the use cases and actors are represented in a Use Case Diagram or
diagrams, originally based upon Ivar Jacobson's Objectory notation.
Benefits of Use Case Analysis
1. It helps manage very complex projects by breaking them down into different facets of development, thus focusing developers.
2. It allows developers to visualize outcomes before the documentation process, avoiding issues early on.
3. Allows for earlier testing.
4. allows problem modules to be removed or altered as needed without disrupting the overall project
5. It allows for input from all sides of the equation, from user-end on up.
6. Ultimately controls cost overruns.
7, Is standardized so it has wider implications and uses
8. It leaves documentation for later analysis
9. Flexibility- it can be as simple or complex as needed for its purpose.
10. It is reusable project-wide.
References: UML-diagram
www(dot) uml-diagrams(dot) org/use-case-diagrams-examples.html
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