Be Confident with your Personality Plus

The Personality profiles:
  • Choleric (Koleris): This is the commander-type. Cholerics are dominant, strong, decisive, stubborn and even arrogant.
  • Melancholy (Melankolis): This is the mental-type. Their typical behaviour involves thinking, assessing, making lists, evaluating the positives and negatives, and general analysis of facts.
  • Sanguine (Sanguinis): This is the social-type. They enjoy fun, socialising, chatting, telling stories - and are fond of promising the world, because that's the friendly thing to do.
  • Phlegmatic (Plegmatis): This is the flat-type. They are easy going, laid back, nonchalant, unexcitable and relaxed. Desiring a peaceful environment above all else.

The Myers-Briggs scale is another well-known system for generalising personalities. Personality Plus is more about how people relate than how they are in their own right. Nevertheless, it is instructive to compare the different scales.
  •     Introvert/Extrovert: Sanguines love socialising, and Cholerics have the confidence to interact socially. A Melancholy can be more of an intellectual, and thus somewhat less social, and Phlegmatics just don't mind either way.
  •     Sensing/Intuition: A Melancholy seeks facts to come to conclusions; a Sanguine may go with what feels right; while a Choleric's decisions are based on their own opinion - without those opinions necessary being fact-driven, although they could of course be.
  •     Thinking/Feeling: This is about how people process the world around them, and the most obvious observations are that Melancholies like facts, whereas Sanguines have a leaning towards emotions.
  •     Judging/Perceiving: Whereas perceiving is all about simply making observations, judging involves allocating value to the observations (right/wrong, good/bad, etc.). Since a Melancholy is about "the right" way, and Cholerics are about "my way", they tend to be more on the judgmental scale. Phlegmatics, being "easy way", are more about perceiving.
The profiles of the Merrill-Wilson system overlap closely with the Personality Plus system:
  1.     Driver: Choleric
  2.     Analytical: Melancholy
  3.     Expressive: Sanguine
  4.     Amiable: Phlegmatic
Characteristics of Personality Categories
  •         Objective-focused
  •         Know what they want and how to get there!
  •         Communicates quickly, gets to the point
  •         Sometimes tactless and brusque
  •         Can be an "ends justify the means" type of person
  •         Hardworking, high energy ?Does not shy away from conflict
  •     Highly detail oriented people
  •     Can have a difficult time making decisions without ALL the facts
  •     Make great accounts and engineers
  •     Tend to be highly critical people
  •     Can tend to be pessimistic in nature
  •     Very perceptive
  •     Natural salesmen or story-tellers
  •     Warm and enthusiastic
  •     Good motivators, communicators
  •     Can be competitive
  •     Can tend to exaggerate, leave out facts and details
  •     Sometimes would rather talk about things than do them!
  •     Kind-hearted people who avoid conflict
  •     Can blend into any situation well
  •     Can appear wishy-washy Has difficulty with firm decisions
  •     Often loves art, music and poetry Highly sensitive
  •     Can be quiet and soft-spoken
There are many different schools of thought extending from ancient times to the present that use four main groupings or categories of personalities. This is often called a "four-quadrant model", and is used in many different psychological and employment contexts. A rough mapping of each major known school of thought is shown in the table below:

Table of Equivalents for the 4 Personality Types
Hippocrates Greek Terms (370 BC)CholericSanguinePhlegmaticMelancholy
Western AstrologyFireAirWaterEarth
"What's My Style?" (WMS)DirectSpiritedConsiderateSystematic
The P'sPowerfulPopularPeacefulPerfect
The S'sSelf-propelledSpiritedSolidSystematic
The A'sAdministrativeActiveAmiableAnalytical
LEAD TestLeaderExpressorDependableAnalyst
ARRAY (Jonathan Knaupp)ProductionConnectionStatus QuoHarmony
Biblical CharactersPaulPeterAbrahamMoses
DiSC(r)DominanceInfluencing of OthersSteadinessCautiousness/ Compliance
McCarthy/4MAT SystemCommon SenseDynamicInnovativeAnalytic
Merrill / WilsonDriverExpressiveAmiableAnalytic
Plato (340 BC)GuardianArtisanPhilosopherScientist
Kretschner (1920)MelancholicHypomanicAnestheticHyperasthetic
Sprangler (1930)ReligiousAestheticTheoreticEconomic
From (1947)HoardingExploitingReceptiveMarketing
Psycho-Geometrics (1978)TriangleSquiggleCircleSquare/Rectangle
Type A or BType BType B MessyType A CasualType A Compulsive
Brokenleg Reclaiming Youth at RiskMastery Achiever PowerBelonging Attached SignificanceGenerosity Altruistic VirtueIndependence Autonomous Competence
EnneagramAdventurer AchieverHelper RomanticPeacemaker ObserverAsserter Perfectionist
True Colors(r) (1978)GreenOrangeBlueGold
Children's LiteratureRabbitTiggerPoohEeyore
Charlie Brown CharactersLucySnoopyCharlie BrownLinus
Jane Austen Novel CharactersEmma WoodhouseLydia BennetElizabeth BennetMarianne Dashwood
Who Moved My Cheese?SniffScurryHawHem
(by Spencer Johnson, M.D.)
The Celestine ProphecyIntimidatorPoor MeAloofInterrogator
(by James Redfield)

No one personality type outshines the other or is preferable to the other - but all complement each other in different ways. If you are choosing a team for a difficult task, it is a good idea to have representation for each on your team for a balanced approach to the task at hand.

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