SQL is a standard language for accessing databases.
A database query is a piece of code (a query) that is sent to a database in order to get information back from the database. It is used as the way of retriving the information from databaseA database "query" is basically a "question" that you ask the database. The results of the query is the information that is returned by the database management system. Queries are usually constructed using SQL (structured query language) which resembles a high-level programming language.
The term 'query' means to search, to question, or to find. When you query a database, your searching for information in the database. Different query languages exist for different type of databases. MS Access uses SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language. MS Access contains Tables, Forms, and Queries. The Forms are used to enter or display the data, the Tables are where the data is saved, and the queries are used to search for specific data.
The CREATE DATABASE statement is used to create a database.CREATE DATABASE database_name
For example:
Creating Tables
You must create your tables before you can enter data into them. Use the Create Table command.
Create table tablename using filename
(fieldname fieldtype(length),
fieldname fieldtype(length),
fieldname fieldtype(length));
For example:
Create table TrnAPDoc using 'TAPDoc.dat'
( VendId char(10),
RefNbr char(10),
DocDate date(4),
OrigDocAmt float(8),
CuryDocBal float(8),
OpenDoc logical(2));
Importing Data
You can import data into SQLScope from another data source by using the Insert command. Before completing the following exercises, you must import data into the tables you created. The example given in this section will step you through the process.Syntax:
Insert into tablename
(fieldname, fieldname, fieldname)
(@fieldname, @fieldname, @fieldname);
For example:
Insert into TrnVendor
(Vendid, Name, Add1, City, State, CurrBal, ExpAcct )
(@Vendid, @Name, @Add1, @City, @State, @CurrBal, @ExpAcct)
Retrieving All Data
Select statements are used to retrieve data from SQL tables. The Select statement illustrated below retrieves all of the columns and rows from the named table.Syntax:
Select *
from tablename;
For example:
Select *
from TrnVendor;
VendId | Name | Add1 | City | State | CurrBal | ExpAcct | |
TV001 | Wet Off Towels | 66 Keep Dry Way | Toledo | OH | 1.31300E+001 | 7230 | |
TV002 | The Games All Here | 85 Olympic Drive | Warren | NY | 4.53170E+002 | 4110 | |
Retrieving a Single Column
You can use SQL to retrieve a single column of data.Syntax:
Select fieldname
from tablename;
For example:
Retrieve the vendor name from each record:
Select Name
from TrnVendor;
Name |
Wet Off Towels |
The Games All Here |
Retrieving Multiple Columns
You can use SQL to retrieve multiple columns.Syntax:
Select fieldname, fieldname, fieldname
from tablename;
For example:
Retrieve the vendor ID, name, and current balance for each record:
Select VendId, Name, CurrBal
from TrnVendor;
VendId | Name | CurrBal |
TV001 | Wet Off Towels | 1.31300E+001 |
TV002 | The Games All Here | 4.53170E+002 |
Formatting Numbers
By default, Scalable SQL displays numbers using scientific notation. To change the format, you must add a mask.Syntax:
Select fieldname<mask>, fieldname<mask>, fieldname<mask>
from tablename;
Number Masks | |
9 | Display number. |
Z | Display number, drop leading zeros. |
+ | Display a plus in front of positive numbers. Display a negative in front of negative numbers. |
- | Display a negative in front of negative numbers. Display nothing in front of positive numbers. |
( ) | Display negative numbers enclosed in parentheses. |
. | Display decimal point. |
$ | Display dollar sign. |
, | Use comma to separate thousands. |
For example:
Select VendId, Name, CurrBal [($Z,ZZZ,ZZZ.99)]
from TrnVendor;
VendId | Name | CurrBal |
TV001 | Wet Off Towels | $13.13 |
TV007 | Spot Out | $1,606.54 |
TV010 | The Soda Factory | $0.00 |
TV011 | The Freelance | ($109.23) |
Ordering Rows
Data is stored in Scalable SQL in no particular sequence. If you want to see your data displayed in sequence, you must add an Order By clause to your Select statement.Syntax:
Select */fieldname<mask> ...
from tablename
order by fieldname;
For example:
Retrieve the city, vendor Id, and name from the TrnVendor table. Order your data by city:
Select City, VendId, Name
from TrnVendor
order by City;
City | VendId | Name |
Bayshore | TV019 | Bayshore Consulting |
Burlington | TV020 | BayCon Group |
Chicago | TV003 | BedMakers Linen |
Displaying Rows in Descending Order
If you would like to see fields displayed in descending order, follow the field name with "desc" in the Order By clause.Syntax:
Select */fieldname ...
from tablename
order by fieldname <desc> ...
For example:
Retrieve the city, vendor ID, and name from the TrnVendor table. Order your data by city in descending order:
Select City, VendId, Name
from TrnVendor
order by City desc;
City | VendId | Name |
Youngstown | TV018 | Computer Bytes |
Warren | TV002 | The Games All Here |
Toledo | TV027 | Narrow Nest |
Ordering Multiple Columns
When ordering your data, you can have multiple sort levels. For example, you can order your data by city and then by name within the city.Syntax:
Select fieldname, fieldname, fieldname
from tablename
order by fieldname <desc>, fieldname <desc>, fieldname <desc>
For example:
Retrieve the city, name, and vendor ID from the TrnVendor table. Order your data by city and then by name within city:
Select City, Name, VendId
from TrnVendor
order by City, Name;
City | Name | VendId |
Bayshore | Bayshore Consulting | TV019 |
Burlington | BayCon Group | TV020 |
Chicago | BedMakers Linen | TV003 |
Chicago | Distant Horizons | TV028 |
Chicago | Make Shift Tilts | TV030 |
Retrieving Specific Rows
So far, you have been retrieving all of the rows in the table. You can, however, specify which rows you wish to retrieve. For example, you could retrieve only those vendors who are in Chicago.Syntax:
Select */fieldname ...
from tablename
where fieldname =/!=/<>/>/>=/</<=/in/not in/between/not between/begins with/contains/not contains/ is null/is not null/like/not/like value
order by fieldname <desc>.
Logical Operators | |
= | Equal to |
!= or <> | Not equal to |
> | Greater than |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
< | Less than |
<= | Less than or equal to |
in | Equal to any item in a list |
not in | Not equal to any item in a list |
between | Between two values, greater than or equal to one and less than or equal to the other |
not between | Not between two values |
begins with | Begins with specified value |
contains | Contains specified value |
not contains | Does not contain specified value |
is null | Is blank |
is not null | Is not blank |
like | Like a specified pattern. % means any series of characters. _ means any single character. |
not like | Not like a specified pattern. % means any series of characters. _ means many single character. |
Retrieve all vendors located in Chicago.
Select City, Name, VendId
from TrnVendor
where City = 'Chicago';'
City | Name | VendId |
Chicago | BedMakers Linen | TV003 |
Chicago | Music Maker | TV016 |
For example 2:
Retrieve all vendors who are not located in Chicago. Order the results by city.
Select City, Name, VendId
from TrnVendor
where City <> 'Chicago'
order by City;
City | Name | VendId |
Bayshore | Bayshore Consulting | TV019 |
Burlington | BayCon Group | TV020 |
Dallas | Cooperative Operatives | TV021 |
Dallas | Clampett Oil | TV026 |
For example 3:
Retrieve all vendors in Mercer, New York, or Park Ridge.
Select City, Name, VendId
from TrnVendor
where City in ( 'Mercer', 'New York', 'Park Ridge')
order by City;
City | Name | VendId |
Mercer | Bed Room Furniture, Inc. | TV004 |
Mercer | The Freelance | TV011 |
New York | Paper People | TV012 |
Park Ridge | Mosquito No Bite | TV006 |
Park Ridge | No Waste Disposal | TV015 |
For example 4:
Retrieve all vendors whose names begin with "Co."
Select Name, City, VendId
from TrnVendor
where Name begins with 'Co'
order by Name;
Name | City | VendId |
Computer Bytes | Youngstown | TV018 |
Cooperative Operatives | Dallas | TV021 |
For example 5:
Retrieve all vendors whose city ends with the letters "do."
Select Name, City, VendId
from TrnVendor
where City like '%do'
order by City;
Name | City | VendId |
The Soda Factory | Orlando | TV010 |
Against the Tide | Orlando | TV025 |
Wet Off Towels | Toledo | TV001 |
For example 6:
Retrieve all vendors with a current balance between 500 and 1000 dollars.
Select VendId, Name, CurrBal [ZZ,ZZZ.99]
from TrnVendor
where CurrBal between 500 and 1000
order by CurrBal;
VendId | Name |
TV003 | BedMakers Linen |
TV012 | Paper People |
TV017 | Food Four |
Multiple Conditions
You can add multiple criteria to your Where clauses by using "and" or "or."Syntax:
Select */fieldname<mask> ...
from tablename ...
where fieldname =/!=/<> ... value
fieldname =/!=/<>... value
fieldname =/!=/<> ... value
order by fieldname <desc> ...
For example:
Retrieve all vendors who are located in Chicago and have a current balance over 1,500 dollars. Order the results by current balance.
Select Name, City, CurrBal [-ZZ,ZZZ.99]
from TrnVendor
where City = 'Chicago'
and CurrBal > 1500
order by CurrBal;
Name | City | CurrBal |
Make Shift Tilts | Chicago | 1,793.23 |
Music Maker | Chicago | 4,109.14 |
For example 2:
Retrieve all vendors whose expense account is 4110 or who have a current balance over 1200. The vendor must be located in Chicago.
Select City, CurrBal [-ZZZ,ZZZ.99], ExpAcct
from Vendor
where City = 'Chicago'
and (ExpAcct = '4110'
or CurrBal > 1200)
order by City, ExpAcct;
City | CurrBal | ExpAcct | |
Chicago | 0.00 | 4030 | |
Chicago | 4,135.24 | 4110 | |
Chicago | 1,309.95 | 4110 | |
Chicago | 100.00 | 6010 | |
Chicago | 500.00 | 6040 | |
Chicago | 47.00 | 7010 | |
Chicago | 106.00 | 7190 |
Joining Tables
So far, you have worked exclusively with a single table -- the TrnVendor table. You might have noticed that each module within Solomon IV consists of several tables. Within the Accounts Payable module, you will find the following tables: APAdjust, APDoc, APHist, APRefNbr, APSetup, APTran, and Vendor. Each table contains specific information. At times, you might need to join two or more tables to retrieve the information you need. For example, if you look at the TrnAPDoc table, you will see that it contains the vendor ID; however, it does not contain the vendor name. If, when retrieving information from the APDoc table, you want to see the vendor name, you have to join the TrnVendor table to the TrnAPDoc table.Select */tablename.fieldname<mask> ...
from tablename <alias>, tablename <alias>, tablename <alias>
where tablename.fieldname = tablename.fieldname
tablename.fieldname = tablename.fieldname
tablename.fieldname = tablename.fieldname
order by fieldname <desc>...
For example:
Retrieve the vendor ID, the vendor name, and the original document amount from the TrnAPDoc and TrnVendor tables.
Select TrnAPDoc.VendId, TrnVendor.Name,
TrnAPDoc.OrigDocAmt [-ZZZZZZ.99]
from TrnAPDoc, TrnVendor
where TrnAPDoc.VendId = TrnVendor.VendId;
TrnAPDoc.VendId | TrnVendor.Name | TrnAPDoc.OrigDocAmt |
TV020 | BayCon Group | 542.98 |
TV019 | Bayshore Consulting | 237.60 |
TV018 | Computer Bytes | 55.50 |
For example 2:
Retrieve the vendor ID, vendor name, and the original document amount from the TrnAPDoc and TrnVendor tables, using a table alias.
Select a.VendId, b.Name,
a.OrigDocAmt [-ZZZZZZ.99]
from TrnAPDoc a, TrnVendor b
where a.VendId = b.VendId;
a.VendId | b.Name | a.OrigDocAmt |
TV020 | BayCon Group | 542.98 |
TV019 | Bayshore Consulting | 237.60 |
TV018 | Computer Bytes | 55.50 |
For example 3:
Retrieve the vendor ID, vendor name, reference number, and original document amount from the APDoc and Vendor tables for Vendor V00104. Order the results by RefNbr.
Select TrnAPDoc.VendId, TrnVendor.Name, TrnAPDoc.RefNbr,
TrnAPDoc.OrigDocAmt [-ZZZZZZ.99]
from TrnAPDoc, TrnVendor
where TrnAPDoc.VendId = TrnVendor.VendId
TrnAPdoc.VendId = 'TV004'
order by TrnAPDoc.RefNbr;
TrnAPDoc.VendId | TrnVendor.Name | TrnAPDoc.RefNbr | TrnAPDoc.OrigDocAmt |
TV004 | Bed Room Furniture, Inc. | 000222 | 55.50 |
TV004 | Bed Room Furniture, Inc. | 000551 | 3600.00 |
Updating Tables
So far, you have looked at several different ways to retrieve and review your data. In this section, you will learn how to update your data. In the following two sections, you will learn about deleting and inserting rows. When you update, delete, and insert, you change the data -- you should perform these operations very cautiously. Before performing any of these operations on a production database, make sure your data is backed up and use the Start Transaction command. If you use the Start Transaction command, all of your changes are temporary until you commit your work and can be rolled back . If you have issued the Start Transaction command, you can undo your changes simply by typing "rollback work."Syntax:
Start transaction;
Update tablename
set fieldname = value
where fieldname = value;
Rollback work;
Commit work;
- Issue a Start Transaction command before updating your table. This will allow you to roll back the changes, if necessary. If you do not issue a Start Transaction command, you will not be able the roll back your work.
- If you find that you have updated a row in error, execute the Rollback Work command.
- When you are satisfied with your changes, issue the Commit Work command.
- Use a Where clause to specify which rows will be updated. If you do not include a Where clause, all rows will be updated.
- Remember to end each command with a semicolon.
- Change the name of vendor "TV001" to Genie R. Corp., and then roll back the change. Then change the name of vendor "TV001" to Vanix and commit your work. To start the transaction, type:
- Note the current vendor name, and type:
from TrnVendor
where VendId = 'TV001';
- To update the vendor name, type:
Set Name = 'Genie R Corp.'
Where VendId = 'TV001';
- To check the vendor name to see that it has changed, type:
from TrnVendor
where VendId = 'TV001';
- To roll back the change, type:
- To check the vendor name to see that it has reverted to the original, type:
from TrnVendor
where VendId = 'TV001';
- To update the vendor name, type:
Set Name = 'Vanix'
Where VendId = 'TV001';
- To check the vendor name to see that it has changed, type:
from TrnVendor
where VendId = 'TV001';
- To commit the change, type:
Deleting Rows
You can use Scalable SQL to delete rows of data.Syntax:
Delete from tablename
where fieldname =/<>/ ... value
and/or ...
fieldname =/<>/ ... value
fieldname =/<>/ ... value
- If you do not include a Where clause, all of the rows in the table will be deleted.
- Every table has a primary key -- a field or combination of fields that uniquely identify each row in the table. VendId is the primary key for the vendor table. Each vendor is uniquely identified by the vendor Id. RefNbr is the primary key for APDoc.
- If you want to delete a single row of data, you can refer to the row in the Where clause by using the primary key.
- When deleting data, use the Start Transaction command so that any errors can be rolled back.
- Use the Rollback Work command to undo changes.
- Use the Commit Work command to finalize changes.
Delete vendor TV011 by executing the following commands.
- To view the record, type:
from TrnVendor
where VendId = 'TV011';
- To start the transaction, type:
- To delete the record, type:
where VendId = 'TV011 ';
- To check to make sure the records have been deleted, type:
from TrnVendor
where VendId = 'TV011';
- To roll back the deletion, type:
Delete all vendors with a current balance over 2000 dollars.
- To view the records, type:
from TrnVendor
where CurrBal > 2000;
- To start the transaction, type:
- To delete the records, type:
where CurrBal > 2000;
- To check to make sure the records have been deleted, type:
from TrnVendor
where CurrBal > 2000;
- To roll back the deletion, type:
Inserting Rows
You can insert new rows into a table by using Scalable SQL.Syntax:
Insert into tablename ( fieldname, fieldname, fieldname)
values ( value, value, value);
- When inserting data, use the Start Transaction command so that any errors can be rolled back.
- You must specify the values to be inserted.
- When performing an insert, enclose character values in single quotes.
- Do not enclose numeric values in single quotes.
- Use the Rollback Work command to undo changes.
- Use the Commit Work command to finalize changes.
Insert the following vendor into the TrnVendor table.
Vendor Id: TV055
Name: Party Games
Address: PO Box 136
City: Chicago
State: IL
Current Balance: 2498.62
- To start the transaction, type:
- To insert the records, type:
CurrBal )
values ( 'TV055', 'Party Games', 'PO Box 136', 'Chicago', 'IL', 2498.62);
- To view the record, type:
from TrnVendor
where VendId = 'TV055';
- To roll back your work, type:
The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table.Primary keys must contain unique values.
A primary key column cannot contain NULL values.
Each table should have a primary key, and each table can have only ONE primary key.
For example:
The following SQL creates a PRIMARY KEY on the "P_Id" column when the "Persons" table is created:
SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255)
P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
To allow naming of a PRIMARY KEY constraint, and for defining a PRIMARY KEY constraint on multiple columns, use the following SQL syntax:
P_Id int NOT NULL,
LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
FirstName varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
Note: In the example above there is only ONE PRIMARY KEY (pk_PersonID). However, the value of the pk_PersonID is made up of two columns (P_Id and LastName).
To create a PRIMARY KEY constraint on the "P_Id" column when the table is already created, use the following SQL:
To allow naming of a PRIMARY KEY constraint, and for defining a PRIMARY KEY constraint on multiple columns, use the following SQL syntax:
To DROP a PRIMARY KEY Constraint
In SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:ALTER TABLE Persons
A FOREIGN KEY in one table points to a PRIMARY KEY in another table.
Let's illustrate the foreign key with an example. Look at the following two tables:
The "Persons" table:
P_Id | LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
1 | Hansen | Ola | Timoteivn 10 | Sandnes |
2 | Svendson | Tove | Borgvn 23 | Sandnes |
3 | Pettersen | Kari | Storgt 20 | Stavanger |
O_Id | OrderNo | P_Id |
1 | 77895 | 3 |
2 | 44678 | 3 |
3 | 22456 | 2 |
4 | 24562 | 1 |
The "P_Id" column in the "Persons" table is the PRIMARY KEY in the "Persons" table.
The "P_Id" column in the "Orders" table is a FOREIGN KEY in the "Orders" table.
The FOREIGN KEY constraint is used to prevent actions that would destroy links between tables.
The FOREIGN KEY constraint also prevents that invalid data form being inserted into the foreign key column, because it has to be one of the values contained in the table it points to.
In SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:CREATE TABLE Orders
OrderNo int NOT NULL,
O_Id int NOT NULL,
OrderNo int NOT NULL,
P_Id int,
To allow naming of a FOREIGN KEY constraint, and for defining a FOREIGN KEY constraint on multiple columns, use the following SQL syntax:
O_Id int NOT NULL,
OrderNo int NOT NULL,
P_Id int,
To create a FOREIGN KEY constraint on the "P_Id" column when the "Orders" table is already created, use the following SQL:ALTER TABLE Orders
To allow naming of a FOREIGN KEY constraint, and for defining a FOREIGN KEY constraint on multiple columns, use the following SQL syntax:
To DROP a FOREIGN KEY Constraint
To drop a FOREIGN KEY constraint, use the following SQL:In SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access:
In a table, some of the columns may contain duplicate values. This is not a problem, however, sometimes you will want to list only the different (distinct) values in a table.The DISTINCT keyword can be used to return only distinct (different) values.
SELECT DISTINCT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
The "Persons" table:
P_Id | LastName | FirstName | Address | City |
1 | Hansen | Ola | Timoteivn 10 | Sandnes |
2 | Svendson | Tove | Borgvn 23 | Sandnes |
3 | Pettersen | Kari | Storgt 20 | Stavanger |
Now we want to select only the distinct values from the column named "City" from the table above.
We use the following SELECT statement:
The result-set will look like this:
City |
Sandnes |
Stavanger |
A view is a virtual table.
In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database.
You can add SQL functions, WHERE, and JOIN statements to a view and present the data as if the data were coming from one single table.
CREATE VIEW view_name ASSELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
Note: A view always shows up-to-date data! The database engine recreates the data, using the view's SQL statement, every time a user queries a view.
If you have the Northwind database you can see that it has several views installed by default.
The view "Current Product List" lists all active products (products that are not discontinued) from the "Products" table. The view is created with the following SQL:
CREATE VIEW [Current Product List] AS
SELECT ProductID,ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE Discontinued=No
We can query the view above as follows:
SELECT * FROM [Current Product List]
Another view in the Northwind sample database selects every product in the "Products" table with a unit price higher than the average unit price:
CREATE VIEW [Products Above Average Price] AS
SELECT ProductName,UnitPrice
FROM Products
WHERE UnitPrice>(SELECT AVG(UnitPrice) FROM Products)
We can query the view above as follows:
SELECT * FROM [Products Above Average Price]
Another view in the Northwind database calculates the total sale for each category in 1997. Note that this view selects its data from another view called "Product Sales for 1997":
CREATE VIEW [Category Sales For 1997] AS
SELECT DISTINCT CategoryName,Sum(ProductSales) AS CategorySales
FROM [Product Sales for 1997]
GROUP BY CategoryName
We can query the view above as follows:
SELECT * FROM [Category Sales For 1997]
We can also add a condition to the query. Now we want to see the total sale only for the category "Beverages":
SELECT * FROM [Category Sales For 1997]
WHERE CategoryName='Beverages'
SQL Updating a View
You can update a view by using the following syntax:SQL CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW Syntax
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_name ASSELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
Now we want to add the "Category" column to the "Current Product List" view. We will update the view with the following SQL:
CREATE VIEW [Current Product List] AS
SELECT ProductID,ProductName,Category
FROM Products
WHERE Discontinued=No
SQL Dropping a View
You can delete a view with the DROP VIEW command.SQL DROP VIEW Syntax
DROP VIEW view_nameSQL Functions
SQL Aggregate Functions
SQL aggregate functions return a single value, calculated from values in a column.
Useful aggregate functions:
- AVG() - Returns the average value
- COUNT() - Returns the number of rows
- FIRST() - Returns the first value
- LAST() - Returns the last value
- MAX() - Returns the largest value
- MIN() - Returns the smallest value
- SUM() - Returns the sum
SQL scalar functions return a single value, based on the input value.
Useful scalar functions:
- UCASE() - Converts a field to upper case
- LCASE() - Converts a field to lower case
- MID() - Extract characters from a text field
- LEN() - Returns the length of a text field
- ROUND() - Rounds a numeric field to the number of decimals specified
- NOW() - Returns the current system date and time
- FORMAT() - Formats how a field is to be displayed
SQL AVG() Syntax
SELECT AVG(column_name) FROM table_nameSQL AVG() Example
We have the following "Orders" table:
O_Id | OrderDate | OrderPrice | Customer |
1 | 2008/11/12 | 1000 | Hansen |
2 | 2008/10/23 | 1600 | Nilsen |
3 | 2008/09/02 | 700 | Hansen |
4 | 2008/09/03 | 300 | Hansen |
5 | 2008/08/30 | 2000 | Jensen |
6 | 2008/10/04 | 100 | Nilsen |
Now we want to find the average value of the "OrderPrice" fields.
We use the following SQL statement:
SELECT AVG(OrderPrice) AS OrderAverage FROM Orders
The result-set will look like this:
OrderAverage |
950 |
Now we want to find the customers that have an OrderPrice value higher than the average OrderPrice value.
We use the following SQL statement:
SELECT Customer FROM Orders
WHERE OrderPrice>(SELECT AVG(OrderPrice) FROM Orders)
The result-set will look like this:
Customer |
Hansen |
Nilsen |
Jensen |
SQL COUNT() Function
The COUNT() function returns the number of rows that matches a specified criteria.
SQL COUNT(column_name) Syntax
The COUNT(column_name) function returns the number of values (NULL values will not be counted) of the specified column:SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM table_name
SQL COUNT(*) Syntax
The COUNT(*) function returns the number of records in a table:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name
SQL COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) Syntax
The COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) function returns the number of distinct values of the specified column:SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) FROM table_name
Note: COUNT(DISTINCT) works with ORACLE and Microsoft SQL Server, but not with Microsoft Access.
SQL COUNT(column_name) Example
We have the following "Orders" table:O_Id | OrderDate | OrderPrice | Customer |
1 | 2008/11/12 | 1000 | Hansen |
2 | 2008/10/23 | 1600 | Nilsen |
3 | 2008/09/02 | 700 | Hansen |
4 | 2008/09/03 | 300 | Hansen |
5 | 2008/08/30 | 2000 | Jensen |
6 | 2008/10/04 | 100 | Nilsen |
Now we want to count the number of orders from "Customer Nilsen".
We use the following SQL statement:
SELECT COUNT(Customer) AS CustomerNilsen FROM Orders
WHERE Customer='Nilsen'
The result of the SQL statement above will be 2, because the customer Nilsen has made 2 orders in total:
CustomerNilsen |
2 |
SQL COUNT(*) Example
If we omit the WHERE clause, like this:SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfOrders FROM Orders
The result-set will look like this:
NumberOfOrders |
6 |
SQL COUNT(DISTINCT column_name) Example
Now we want to count the number of unique customers in the "Orders" table.We use the following SQL statement:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Customer) AS NumberOfCustomers FROM Orders
The result-set will look like this:
NumberOfCustomers |
3 |
The GROUP BY Statement
The GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions to group the result-set by one or more columns.SQL GROUP BY Syntax
SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name
We have the following "Orders" table:
O_Id | OrderDate | OrderPrice | Customer |
1 | 2008/11/12 | 1000 | Hansen |
2 | 2008/10/23 | 1600 | Nilsen |
3 | 2008/09/02 | 700 | Hansen |
4 | 2008/09/03 | 300 | Hansen |
5 | 2008/08/30 | 2000 | Jensen |
6 | 2008/10/04 | 100 | Nilsen |
Now we want to find the total sum (total order) of each customer.
We will have to use the GROUP BY statement to group the customers.
We use the following SQL statement:
SELECT Customer,SUM(OrderPrice) FROM Orders
GROUP BY Customer
The result-set will look like this:
Customer | SUM(OrderPrice) |
Hansen | 2000 |
Nilsen | 1700 |
Jensen | 2000 |
Let's see what happens if we omit the GROUP BY statement:
SELECT Customer,SUM(OrderPrice) FROM Orders
The result-set will look like this:
Customer | SUM(OrderPrice) |
Hansen | 5700 |
Nilsen | 5700 |
Hansen | 5700 |
Hansen | 5700 |
Jensen | 5700 |
Nilsen | 5700 |
Explanation of why the above SELECT statement cannot be used: The SELECT statement above has two columns specified (Customer and SUM(OrderPrice). The "SUM(OrderPrice)" returns a single value (that is the total sum of the "OrderPrice" column), while "Customer" returns 6 values (one value for each row in the "Orders" table). This will therefore not give us the correct result. However, you have seen that the GROUP BY statement solves this problem.
We can also use the GROUP BY statement on more than one column, like this:
SELECT Customer,OrderDate,SUM(OrderPrice) FROM Orders
GROUP BY Customer,OrderDate
The HAVING Clause
The HAVING clause was added to SQL because the WHERE keyword could not be used with aggregate functions.SQL HAVING Syntax
SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name
HAVING aggregate_function(column_name) operator value
We have the following "Orders" table:O_Id | OrderDate | OrderPrice | Customer |
1 | 2008/11/12 | 1000 | Hansen |
2 | 2008/10/23 | 1600 | Nilsen |
3 | 2008/09/02 | 700 | Hansen |
4 | 2008/09/03 | 300 | Hansen |
5 | 2008/08/30 | 2000 | Jensen |
6 | 2008/10/04 | 100 | Nilsen |
Now we want to find if any of the customers have a total order of less than 2000.
We use the following SQL statement:
SELECT Customer,SUM(OrderPrice) FROM Orders
GROUP BY Customer
HAVING SUM(OrderPrice)<2000
The result-set will look like this:
Customer | SUM(OrderPrice) |
Nilsen | 1700 |
Now we want to find if the customers "Hansen" or "Jensen" have a total order of more than 1500.
We add an ordinary WHERE clause to the SQL statement:
SELECT Customer,SUM(OrderPrice) FROM Orders
WHERE Customer='Hansen' OR Customer='Jensen'
GROUP BY Customer
HAVING SUM(OrderPrice)>1500
The result-set will look like this:
Customer | SUM(OrderPrice) |
Hansen | 2000 |
Jensen | 2000 |
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